92 research outputs found

    A visible record of eddies in the southern Mozambique Channel

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    The flows around Madagascar feed into the Agulhas Current, but there have been few hydrographic studies of the flow within the Mozambique Channel. Some cruise and altimetric data point to this being a region of high mesoscale activity, with eddies migrating through the area. Here we show how ocean colour data throw light on the behaviour of eddies in the southern Mozambique Channel

    Rain-flagging of the Envisat altimeter

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    As the goals for altimetric measurements become ever more precise, there is concern about the reliable detection and discarding of rain contaminated data. A dual-frequency rain detection technique developed for the Ku- and C-band TOPEX altimeter, is adapted for the Ku- and S-band RA-2 altimeter on Envisat. Of particular concern is the selection of a suitable threshold to minimise the quantity of good data inadvertently discarded

    A plankton guide to ocean physics: Colouring in the currents round South Africa and Madagascar

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    The ocean colour sensor SeaWiFS, launched in August 1997, has been a great boon to those researching large-scale oceanic biological productivity. The sensor can detect variations in the colour of the water due to the presence of chlorophyll in phytoplankton, which essentially changes the water colour from blue to green. SeaWiFS has provided measurements of chlorophyll concentration over nearly all the world’s oceans, and because of their association with fronts, eddies and regions of upwelling, these records of phytoplankton abundance reveal much about physical processes occurring within the ocean

    Source regions and reflection of infragravity waves offshore of U.S.'s Pacific Northwest

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    Infragravity waves are oceanic surface gravity waves but with wavelengths (10's km) and periods (>30s) much longer than wind waves and swell. Mostly studied in shallow water, knowledge of infragravity waves in deep water has remained limited. Recent interest in deep-water infragravity waves has been motivated by the error they may contribute to future high-resolution satellite radar altimetry measurements of sea level. Here, deep-water infragravity waves offshore of the Pacific Northwest of the USA were studied using Differential Pressure Gauges which were deployed as part of the Cascadia Initiative array from September 2012-May 2013. Cross-correlation of the records revealed direction of infragravity wave propagation across the array, from which source regions were inferred. The dominant source was found to be the coastline to the east, associated with large wind waves and swell incident on the eastern side of the basin. The source shifted southward during northern-hemisphere summer, and on several days in the record infragravity waves arrived from the western side of the Pacific. Asymmetry of cross-correlation functions for five of these westerly arrivals was used to calculate the ratio of seaward to shoreward propagating energy, and hence estimate the strength of infragravity wave reflection at periods of 100-200s. Reflection of these remote arrivals from the west appeared to be strong, with a lower bound estimate of r=0.49±0.29 (reflection coefficient ± standard error) and an upper bound estimate of r=0.74±0.06. These results suggest that reflection at ocean boundaries may be an important consideration for infragravity waves in the deep ocean

    First spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry observations of hurricanes from the UK TechDemoSat-1 mission

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    We present the first examples of GNSS-Reflectometry observations of hurricanes using spaceborne data from the UK TechDemoSat-1 (TDS-1) mission. We confirm that GNSS-R signals can detect ocean condition changes in very high near-surface ocean wind associated with hurricanes. TDS-1 GNSS-R reflections were collocated with IBTrACS hurricane data, MetOp ASCAT A/B scatterometer winds and two re-analysis products. Clear variations of GNSS-R reflected power (σ0) are observed as reflections travel through hurricanes, in some cases up to and through the eye wall. The GNSS-R reflected power is tentatively inverted to estimate wind speed using the TDS-1 baseline wind retrieval algorithm developed for low to moderate winds. Despite this, TDS-1 GNSS-R winds through the hurricanes show closer agreement with IBTrACS estimates than winds provided by scatterometers and reanalyses. GNSS-R wind profiles show realistic spatial patterns and sharp gradients which are consistent with expected structures around the eye of tropical cyclones

    Monitoring remote ocean waves using P-wave microseisms

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    Oceanic microseisms are generated by the interaction of opposing ocean waves and subsequent coupling with the seabed, so microseisms should contain information on the ocean conditions that generated them. This leads to the possibility of using seismic records as a proxy for the ocean gravity wavefield. Here we investigate the P-wave component of microseisms, which has previously been linked to areas of high wave interaction intensity in mid-ocean regions. We compare modeled P-wave microseismic sources with those observed at an array in California, and also investigate the relationship between observed sources and significant wave height. We found that the time-varying location of microseism sources in the North Pacific, mapped from beamforming and backprojection of seismic data, was accurate to ≤10° in 90% of cases. The modeled sources were found to dominate at ∼0.2 Hz which was also reflected in the seismic observations. An empirical relationship between observed beampower and modeled source power allowed sources during an independent data period to be estimated with a correlation coefficient of 0.63. Likewise, significant wave height was also estimated with a correlation coefficient of 0.63. Our findings suggest that with improvements in resolution and amplitude retrieval from beamforming, correlations up to 0.78 should be possible between observed P-wave microseisms and significant wave height in remote ocean regions

    Improved GNSS-R bi-static altimetry and independent DEMs of Greenland and Antarctica from TechDemoSat-1

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    Improved Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets are presented, derived from Global Navigation Satellite Systems-Reflectometry (GNSS-R). This builds on a previous study (Cartwright et al., 2018) using GNSS-R to derive an Antarctic DEM but uses improved processing and an additional 13 months of measurements, totalling 46 months of data from the UK TechDemoSat-1 satellite. A median bias of under 10 m and root-mean-square (RMS) errors of under 53 m for the Antarctic and 166 m for Greenland are obtained, as compared to existing DEMs. The results represent, compared to the earlier study, a halving of the median bias to 9 m, an improvement in coverage of 18 %, and a four times higher spatial resolution (now gridded at 25 km). In addition, these are the first published satellite altimetry measurements of the region surrounding the South Pole. Comparisons south of 88° S yield RMS errors of less than 33 m when compared to NASA’s Operation IceBridge measurements. Differences between DEMs are explored and the future potential for ice sheet monitoring by this technique is noted

    Improved GNSS-R bi-static altimetry and independent digital elevation models of Greenland and Antarctica from TechDemoSat-1

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    Improved digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are presented, which have been derived from Global Navigation Satellite Systems-Reflectometry (GNSS-R). This builds on a previous study (Cartwright et al., 2018) using GNSS-R to derive an Antarctic DEM but uses improved processing and an additional 13 months of measurements, totalling 46 months of data from the UK TechDemoSat-1 satellite. A median bias of under 10 m and root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) of under 53 m for the Antarctic and 166 m for Greenland are obtained, as compared to existing DEMs. The results represent, compared to the earlier study, a halving of the median bias to 9 m, an improvement in coverage of 18 %, and a 4 times higher spatial resolution (now gridded at 25 km). In addition, these are the first published satellite altimetry measurements of the region surrounding the South Pole. Comparisons south of 88∘ S yield RMSEs of less than 33 m when compared to NASA's Operation IceBridge measurements. Differences between DEMs are explored, the limitations of the technique are noted, and the future potential of GNSS-R for glacial ice studies is discussed

    Improving microseismic P wave source location with multiple seismic arrays

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    Using array analysis, the direction and distance to a seismic P wave source can be determined. However, individual arrays are limited in their geographical coverage and by their resolving capability, which is determined by the array aperture, configuration, and number of stations. We demonstrate these limitations on three large seismic arrays located in Japan, Europe, and California, and find that all give a unique but imperfect insight into the P wave sources acting in the North Pacific. We then combine the data from all three arrays into one beamforming image. The combined images bring together the views offered by each array, providing a concise, comprehensive, and more robust representation of multiple source locations. Next we weight each array for distance in order to optimize the result. Being able to resolve and accurately locate source regions is an important step in being able to use seismic records to monitor ocean wave activity and track storms in real time